
2017-09-18 - 11:15

The governance structure was established and developed based upon the SCAAK Statute as the highest written act approved by the SCAAK Assembly.

SCAAK Assembly

The Assembly is the highest decision-making body of the Society composed by all members who meet the membership criteria. SCAAK Assembly consists of active members Accountants and Auditors.


The Board is a body appointed by the Assembly to oversee the governance of SCAAK on its behalf. SCAAK Board is composed of 7 members, of whom the President, Deputy Chairman and Treasurer are elected.

Committees Function and Responsibilities

SCAAK committees are an integral part of the SCAAK organizational structure. Committees are established for relevant areas in order to support the SCAAK's strategic plan implementation through activities defined in the work plan of each committee. The SCAAK committees function represents a key role in achieving and developing SCAAK goals, objectives and activities. SCAAK committees operate under the SCAAK Regulations and Statute.

Behavior and Discipline Committee

Behavior and Discipline Committee is one of the SCAAK's basic committees that sets disciplinary responsibilities of the Society’s members in cases of violations of law provisions, SCAAK Statute and the fundamental principles of the Code of Professional Ethics.

Nomination Committee

Nomination Committee is responsible for developing the nomination process for members of the committees as well as members of the SCAAK Board. While carrying out the responsibilities set out in the Statute and Regulations, Nomination Committee cooperates closely with the SCAAK Board and it reports to the Assembly.

Statutory Auditors Committee

The Committee for Statutory Auditors aims to ensure the full observance and implementation of International Standards on Auditing (ISA) by statutory auditors in order to provide high quality professional statutory audit services.

Certified Accountants Committee

The Committee of Certified Accountants aims to ensure that Certified Accountants provide high quality professional services in the field of accounting and financial reporting by implementing International Accounting Standards (IAS) and International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) especially now that the Law in force defines the highest level of responsibility of Certified Accountants.

Education and Professional Standards Committee

The purpose and objective of the Committee is to ensure that SCAAK is correctly addressing and implementing all international standards of the profession issued by local and global standard-setters relevant to the public interest and economic development of the country.

Quality Management in Compliance with Standards Committee

The Committee’s purpose and objective is to ensure the public interest protection and to ensure that all SCAAK members provide professional services according to the highest ethical standards and in accordance with the International Federation of Accountants (IFAC) Statement of Membership Obligations (SMO 1) as well as to ensure that these services are in compliance with the Code of Professional Ethics requirements.

Taxation Committee

The Taxation Committee advises on tax matters based on SCAAK's research and experience of its members employed in accounting, auditing and financial areas. The Committee ensures that SCAAK members have sufficient access to information and have high level of education to provide high-level professional advice on tax issues to their employers, clients and other parties.

Executive Office

Executive Director is Society’s Chief Executive elected by the Board and reports to the President and the Board.

Executive Office Departments are:

  • Education and Professional Standards Department
  • Quality Assurance Department
  • Finance Department
  • Legal and Procurement Department
  • Administration and Human Resources Department

Education and Professional Standards Department

It is managed by the Head of Department, overseeing the private sector and public sector certification program as well as the internal auditing program and working closely with all departments and SCAAK Executive Director.

Private sector certification program unit

This unit within the Education and Professional Standards Department aims developing the entire private sector certification program, including courses syllabus development, oversight of the lectures process, and cooperation with the Society’s lecturers.

Internal audit certification program unit

This unit within the Education and Professional Standards Department deals with analysis of specific market needs, both private and public, regarding the ​​internal audit area, preparation of details of the certification program and its update on a periodic basis, training materials development and adaptation for all levels of training.

Public sector certification program unit

The public sector unit focuses on deepening the cooperation with public bodies to establish a sustainable system for achieving public sector policy development, institutional arrangements and effective implementation that will stimulate economic growth within the framework of EU Accession Requirements implementation.

Quality Management in Compliance with Standards Department

The purpose of this department is to ensure that SCAAK licensed (statutory) auditors are in compliance with the professional standards required by SCAAK, local legislation and international standards by establishing a quality control system in accordance with SMO-1 and liaising with the Kosovo Council for Financial Reporting and the Central Bank of Kosovo in implementation of the Kosovo Quality Control Review Program in compliance with the Law on Accounting, Financial Reporting and Audit.

Finance Department

Takes care of financial reporting, maintenance of the financial reporting system, reconciliation of cash receipts and payments in the accounting system, and it also bears a monitoring, forecasting and advisory role on budgets.

Legal and Procurement Department

The Legal and Procurement Department is a key part in drafting SCAAK legal documents, regulations, and agreements. This department has a major role in giving legal counseling to the Executive Director and committees assisting in all Society’s major decisions and in updating all procedures. In addition, the Procurement component, through its assessment committees, is responsible for collecting, assessing and approving various bids on services and goods that SCAAK should be supplied with. It also prepares and maintains SCAAK contracts with employees, suppliers, lecturers, etc.

Administration and Human Resources Department

Administration Department’s role is to ensure quality in the administration of all processes and logistics activities of SCAAK that are the result of all departments, committees and Society’s members requests. In addition, Administration Department ensures infrastructure and manages the Society’s assets, takes cares on information systems, and conveys the human resources policies.

Students Service

The Student Service, as part of the Administration Department, is one of the largest units of the Society as it manages over 7,000 students registered in the Society. The Student Service’s purpose is to take care of each member of the Society by responding to all requests they may have as well as to prepare and maintain procedures and documents relevant to them.

Members Service

The member service serves as a key point for all requests and information relevant to SCAAK members. The Member Service provides Members with updates on all accounting and audit related news, delivers information on new accounting and auditing standards, changes in standards, laws, calls on job vacancies and bids on accounting and audit services as well as other relevant news for the profession.

Reporting and Communication

Reporting and Communication Office serves as a focal point of all internal and external exchanges of information. The reporting component involves the internal exchange of information between all SCAAK executive office departments and committees; Communication component deals with the exchange of SCAAK external information, which includes the provision of information services to members (via e-mail), maintenance and update of SCAAK website and social network accounts (SCAAK Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram, Twitter accounts) and SCAAK's relations with the public.