Certified Accounting Technician
2022-05-05 - 10:41
Certified Accounting Technicians have a vital role for all enterprises, whether it is a private business that has just started, a government department or a multinational corporation. Accounting technicians help professional accountants by collecting, checking and analyzing financial information for them.
Qualification for Certified Accounting Technician is designed for those who are required knowledge of accounting but not expertise. This qualification targets those persons employed as pre-professional, in other words, as assistants of an accountant or a certified auditor. It is an excellent individual qualification for office managers, accounting auxiliaries or administrative staff, as well as an excellent foundation for those who want to qualify as certified accountants.
Certified Accounting Technicians benefit from the following skills and you are able to:
- Explain compliance with national taxes and requirements fulfillment;
- Prepare forms of tax declarations for individuals and organizations;
- See the difference between tax planning, tax avoidance and tax evasion;
- Register transactions and bookkeeping;
- Prepare the basic financial statements;
- Reconcile the cashbook with the bank statements;
- Make accounting adjustments and correct errors;
- Identify business entities and their needs for financial reporting;
- Explain the nature, source and purpose of managerial information;
- Explain and apply cost accounting techniques;
- Prepare planning and control budgets.
The Certification Program for Accounting Technician , with particular emphasis rely on management and communication skills, practical business development and planning skills as well as on the new knowledge on tax and financial reporting environment.
To be trained for Accounting Technician you must become a SCAAK student member. Membership is open to professionals who work in accounting as well as to those who are interested in accounting.
Entry Requirements
- To become a SCAAK student in the Certified Accounting Technician Program, you must at least have a high school diploma;
- At least one (1) year accounting / finance experience - that can be gained during or after training.
Syllabus for Certified Accounting Technician
The Certified Accounting Technician qualification training covers the following subjects and topics:
Subject 1: Financial Accounting
Brief description of content
Context and purpose of financial reporting
- Introduction to accounting
- Regulatory framework
Qualitative characteristics of financial information and fundamental bases of accounting
Use of double entry and accounting systems
- sources, records and books of prime entry
- ledger accounts and double entry
- trial balance
Recording transactions and events
- value added tax/sales tax
- inventory
- Tangible non-current assets
- Intangible non-current assets
- Accruals and prepayments
- Irrecoverable debts and allowances
- Provisions and contingencies
Preparing a trial balance
- control accounts
- bank reconciliations
- correction of errors
Preparing basic financial statements
- preparation of financial statements for sole traders
- incomplete records
- partnerships
- companies
- events after the balance sheet date
Information technology: features and benefits of accounting systems used in business
Subject 2: Cost and Management Accounting
Brief description of content
Nature and purpose of cost and management accounting
- information for management
Cost classification, behavior and purpose
- cost types and classification
- cost behavior
- use of business mathematics techniques in analyzing and understanding cost data
- features and use of spreadsheets
Cost accounting techniques
- material costs
- labor costs
- overheads and absorption costing
- marginal and absorption costing
- process costing, joint and by-products
- job costing
- service costing
Supporting planning and decision making
- introduction to budgeting
- preparation of functional budgets
- approaches to budgeting
- evaluating performance of cost and profit centers including basic variance analysis
- cost volume profit analysis
- limiting factors and short term resource optimization
Subject 3: Accountant in Business
Brief description of content
- Organization of business and its structure
- Information technologies and information systems
- Impacts on organizational culture
- Ethical matters
- Corporate Governance and Social Responsibility
- Macroeconomic environment
- Business environment
- Control, assurance and audit
- Identifying and preventing fraud
- Leadership, management and oversight
- Individuals, groups and teams
- Motivation of individuals and groups
- Personal Effectiveness and Communication
- Recruitment and selection
- Diversity and equal opportunities
- Training and development
- Performance Evaluation
Subject 4: Kosovo Tax and Law
Brief description of content
- Types, organization and functioning of business organizations
- Law on Accounting, Financial Reporting and Audit
- Tax system
- International Accounting Regulatory Framework
- Tax procedures and system
- Corporate Income Tax
- Personal income Tax
- Value Added Tax
- Excise tax rate in Kosovo
- Pensions in Kosovo
- Labor Law
- Liquidation and reorganization of legal entities in bankruptcy
- Law on lien
- Law on mortgages
- Copyright Law and Related Rights. Patent Law
- Law on contracts for the sale of goods
- Law on Public Procurement in Kosovo
Laws and regulations are subject to change and SCAAK reserves the right and the obligation to amend the list of laws and regulations that are published for this purpose in accordance with the changes in the laws in force.