Licensed Fraud Examiner

2022-05-05 - 03:34

Recent financial crises have emphasized the need for more qualified professionals in the field of financial forensics. Consequently, the demand for professionals with expertise in combating corruption, economic fraud and financial forensic accounting is ever increasing.
Licensed Fraud Examiners accelerate the pace of investigations and provide a greater number of successful punishments of corruption and financial crime cases. After training and certification, the purpose of this program is to promote local capacities in preventing and investigating financial crimes.

With the support of new information technology, the role of Licensed Fraud Examiners has expanded into the digital world. Internet-maintained information, despite passwords and other security features, is always at a risk level and licensed fraud examiners have developed the right skills to incorporate various methods of investigation that are implemented in a digital environment ever change.

Licensed Fraud Examiners benefit from the following skills and you are able to:

  • Analyze and discuss the concepts and practices of auditing, forensics and security;
  • Explain compliance with national taxes and fulfillment of requirements;
  • Make the difference between tax planning and tax evasion;
  • Prepare the financial statements;
  • Identify business entities and their need for financial reporting;
  • Explain the nature, source and purpose of managerial information;
  • Explain and apply cost accounting techniques;
  • Analyze and identify appropriate audit actions that would normally be undertaken by an auditor and a forensic accountant, including fraud detection procedures;
  • Effectively communicate business information in the context of financial management, both verbally and in writing;
  • Explain the relationship between the audit process, standards, forensic investigation and financial reports;
  • Demonstrate the legal and ethical background in which the fraud investigation is conducted and the roles and responsibilities of various parties;
  • Demonstrate a clear understanding of the common methods of fraud detection techniques of financial statements, including quantitative and statistical estimation;
  • Show competence in fraud detection and prevention techniques, as it applies to money laundering, billing and disbursement, payroll, change and manipulation of control and reporting of expenses;
  • Understand the legal process and the role of experts in fraud cases;
  • Assess and support accounting and auditing concepts related to the cause of corporate economic crime;
  • Develop plans and processes to prevent the economic crime.
  • Demonstrate the ability to select and prepare evidence for court proceedings.

Entry Requirements

  • A university Bachelors Degree
  • Two years of experience in accounting, auditing and financial forensics- which can be gained during or after training.


Except officials of Kosovo's main institutions, this program will be open to other interested candidates. The candidate who successfully completes the two modules and meets the requirements of relevant practical experience gains the title "Licensed Fraud Examiner"

SCAAK members may acquire the title of a Licensed Fraud Examiner by completing the following conditions:

Accounting Technician - will qualify for the title after following the lectures in the subjects "P6- Audit" and "P7- Financial Management" and after completing the exam in the subject "Module 2" as well as the fulfillment of the relevant practical experience.

Certified Accountant - will qualify for the title after completing the exam in the subject "Module 2" as well as fulfilling the relevant practical experience.
Certified Auditor - will qualify for the title after completing the exam in the subject "Module 2" as well as fulfilling the relevant practical experience.
Public Sector Certified Public Auditor - will qualify for the title after completing the exam on the subject "Module 2" as well as fulfilling the relevant practical experience.

Certified Internal Auditor - will qualify for the title after following the lectures in the subjects "P4 - Laws and Taxes in Kosovo" and "P7 - Financial Management", and after completing the exam in the subject "Module 2" as well as the fulfillment of the relevant practical experience.

Specialization requirements

  • Education: candidates must have a Bachelor degree.
  • Professional Education: The candidates must have attended the professional training of this program and must have completed all the exams (Module 1 and Module 2).
  • Practical experience: candidates must have at least two years of experience in accounting, auditing and financial forensics. The FPP defines the specific competences for each of the fields. Practical experience can be realized before or after registration in the certification program but the call can be won only after all the certification program requirements have been reached.

Syllabus for Licensed Fraud Examiner

  • Financial and Managerial Accounting;
  • Taxes in Kosovo;
  • Financial Management;
  • Audit.
  • Develop expertise in detecting fraud;
  • Different forms of fraud;
  • Evidence Collection Techniques;
  • Prepare evidence for court proceedings.