SCAAK provides a wide range of courses related to accounting and audit that are recognized around the world for their excellence and relevance. At any stage of your finance, accounting and auditing career that you might be, be sure that SCAAK has a qualification that will suit you and your career.
SCAAK provides trainings for:
Certified Accounting Technicians, Certified Accountants and Auditors in private sector;
Accounting Technicians and Certified Auditors in public sector;
Internal Auditors.
The Certified Accounting Technician level is a common path for certifications in both the private and public sector. Candidates can choose the given options if they want to be certified for the above-mentioned sectors.
SCAAK's program has been expanded in 2008 and again in 2015 to reflect changes in the International Education Standards, requirements of the Law on Legal Audit Enterprise 8th Directive and local legislative changes. This enables students to gain an equivalent qualification with the best available programs in EU and the world's most developed countries and to understand in detail the legal provisions of the country.
The program was developed in cooperation with EU experts and was supported by educational materials of a world top level.
This implies that the program aims to ensure that Kosovo accountants and auditors have the appropriate skills and expertise that are essential to the development of the economy both in the private and public sector.
Society has a mutual recognition with the most renowned organizations in the world, therefore Society’s members could benefit international designations through SCAAK certification.
All Society’s certification programs are accredited by National Qualification Authority (NQA).
The Private Sector Certification Program
The Private Sector Certification Program involves three stages of certification through which the stakeholders, depending on the need for profiling in accounting or auditing and the level they need, may decide to pursue one or three stages, always considering the conditions to be met, to achieve the designation.
The Private Sector Certification Program Levels
Certified Accounting Technician | Certified Accountant | Certified Auditor |
P1/Financial Accounting | P5/Financial Reporting | P9/Advanced Financial Reporting |
P2/Cost and Management Accounting | P6/Auditing | P10/Advanced Auditing Assurance |
P3/Accountant in Business | P7/Financial Management | P11/Business Analysis |
P4/Kosovo Tax and Law | P8/Performance Management | P12/Strategic Business Management |
The Public Sector Certification Program
The Public Sector Certification Program includes two levels of certification, where the first level for Accounting Technician is the same as in the Private Sector, and at this level, members could be profiled for Certified Public Sector Auditors.
Up to date, SCAAK had a successful cooperation with the National Audit Office (NAO) by providing a certification scheme dedicated to auditors of this body in compliance with the International Standards on Supreme Audit Institutions (ISSAI). SCAAK has also implemented projects in cooperation with the Ministry of Finance on capacity building in public finance management for financial officers.
As the demand for specialization in the public sector has increased, SCAAK has started the new public sector certification scheme in cooperation with the UK Chartered Institute of Public Finance and Accountancy (CIPFA) where the certification scheme for NAO’s auditors was merged.
Through this program, candidates will be members in both organizations and after the completion of the examinations in this scheme and the fulfillment of relevant practical experience will benefit the designation in Kosovo and UK. These certifications enable members to practice their profession anywhere in the world.
The Public Sector Certification Program Levels
Certified Accounting Technician | Public Sector Certified Auditor |
P1/ Financial Accounting | S1/ Financial Management and Budgeting |
P2/ Management Accounting | S2/ Public Sector Financial Reporting |
P3/ Accountant in business | S3/ Public Finances and the Information System |
P4/ Laws and Taxes in Kosovo (National Laws) | S4/ Strategic Planning and Policy Development |
S5/ Governance, Risk and Control | |
S6/ Audit Methodology |
Certification Program in Internal Audit
The Internal Audit certification program was established as internal audit is a key pillar of good governance, providing an independent perspective on entity management, either private or public, to all stakeholders, and it helps identify problems and areas for improvement.
The Internal Audit certification program includes three subjects, whereas first subject covers general topics from different areas necessary for an internal auditor. Subjects two and three are exclusively focused on the internal auditor work and appropriate implementation of internal audit standards.
Certification Program in Internal Audit Subjects
Certified Internal Auditor |
Subject 1: Internal Audit Knowledge Elements |
Subject 2: Internal Audit Basics |
Subject 3: Internal Audit Practice |